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Last updated on 13.07.2010 at 19:50.

Brando von der Buttstädter Flur

Mittelgroß, mittelkräfig, typ- und ausdrucksvoll, ausgeprägter Widerrist, harmonisch verlaufende Oberlinie, Kruppe sollte etwas länger sein. Vorhand sollte in Schulter und Oberarm etwas schräger liegen, gut gewinkelte Gliedmaßen der Hinterhand, läuft in guter Gleichgewichtslage. Wesen sicher, Härte, Mut und Kampftrieb vorhanden; läßt ab. WA 97: Zur Verbesserung des Pigments


Dog Information Brando von der Buttstädter Flur

odchováno v:
Datum vrhu:
Výška / Váha:
63.00 cm / 34.00 kg
číslo zápisu:
SZ 1881770
Číslo čipu:
Viditelné pro registrované uživatele
Kynologická asociace:
Viditelné pro registrované uživatele
Chovnost (PT, kód):
Kkl. 2, HD-ZW 84 (03/2010)
Výsledky výstav:
Viditelné pro registrované uživatele

You are the owner or you know him?
Here you have the possibility to give information about the owner or to invite him
You are the breeder or you know him?
Here you have the possibility to give information about the breeder or to invite him

You are the owner or you know him?
Here you have the possibility to give information about the owner or to invite him
You are the breeder or you know him?
Here you have the possibility to give information about the breeder or to invite him

Výsledky zdraví Brando von der Buttstädter Flur


Please note that even health results prepared to the best of our knowledge and belief may always contain errors. These can occur both during sampling and in rare cases in the laboratory as well as during transmission.
Please complete your entries with evidence by then.
Please note that even health results prepared to the best of our knowledge and belief may always contain errors. These can occur both during sampling and in rare cases in the laboratory as well as during transmission. Please complete your entries with evidence by then.
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Hüftdysplasie (HD)
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Viditelné pro registrované uživatele

Ellenbogendysplasie (ED)
no data
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not yet selected
no data
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no data
verified by:
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Hüftdysplasie (HD)
no data
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not yet selected
no data
verified by:
not yet selected
no data
verified by:
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General health information
Viditelné pro registrované uživatele

Pedigree Brando von der Buttstädter Flur

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Documents Brando von der Buttstädter Flur

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Videa Brando von der Buttstädter Flur

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Images Brando von der Buttstädter Flur 1

Image of Brando von der Buttstädter Flur

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